New Year's Resolutions


New Year Resolutions

As another year quickly comes to an end, I wonder what my New Year resolutions for 2025 will be.

I’ve always found the new year a time to make plans. As a home-based business, it’s a fresh year—a time to look back on last year and see what worked and what could be improved.

I found that making a five-year plan serves me well. In the last few years, my five-year plans have changed from career-oriented to much richer.

Enjoy the journey

One resolution I made a couple of years ago was to spend more time on each painting. I relax and enjoy the journey. I let the painting emerge on its own rather than forcing the process. Painting has become more enjoyable for me as well when I am not madly trying to produce. It’s not about the destination.

Look for the Magic

A resolution for this year is to look for magic everywhere! Whether it’s the tiny raindrops on the leaves filled with a rainbow of colours or looking up at the night stars, I will embrace the gift of these special moments. The more you observe, the more it will help with your creative practice. Mother nature provides us with an abundance of magic moments.

Here’s a quick story about magic moments. When I lived in Saskatchewan, I went to the SPCA and brought home a rescue puppy. He cried the whole way home, scared of what was happening. The next morning, I observed him gleefully hopping across the fields. On approaching, I realized he had discovered a grasshopper, sniffing and reacting to it. When the grasshopper hopped, so did Cheyenne. I will never forget that day that my puppy found his joy. Cheyenne grew up to be a fantastic dog, sensitive, loving, and full of life.

Travel - lessons learned

Travel is always high on my list. Have you ever noticed that when travelling somewhere new, you seem to get more time in your day? That is because we are more present in the moment. We slow down, observe and enjoy every big or small experience. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do that in our daily lives? How often have you driven to the grocery store to realize that you don’t even remember driving there, as your mind was off somewhere else? When you travel, your mind is empty from what I call monkey chatter, and your eyes are wide open.

I’ve also found that travel gives me a greater outlook on my life, whether it's being grateful for what we have or watching how people go about their daily lives. We can all learn from each other, whether with the spirit of Aloha, the romance of Italy, or the abundance of East Coast spirit.

Write a Book

One resolution that keeps appearing on my list is to write a book. We all have a story to tell. The question I ask is, what will my book be about? Shall I write about all the fantastic artists I have met along my journey, or will it be from my writings “Blue Jeans and Rubber Boots.” Oh boy, I have lots to think about. Stay tuned.

Here is a quote from Virginia Woolf that resonates with me.

Whatever happens, stay alive.

Stay alive, learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design.

Stay alive, stay alive inside you, stay alive also outside.
Fill yourself with colours of the world.
Fill yourself with peace.
Fill yourself with hope.
Stay alive with joy.

There is only one thing you should not waste in life, and that’s life itself.

Happy New Year!

Last Updated on: 2024-12-22