Chace is 5 Years Old
Animals and Critters
Happy birthday to me, now I am five. Gear up - let’s go for a drive.
I love to drink water out of the garden hose, but I do not like it when you tickle my nose.
There’s always time for a belly rub, but don’t ever mention getting into the tub.
Even though I was the runt of the litter, I keep our backyard safe from any critter.
I love with all my might, and I zoom around the yard as if in flight.
Kicking up dust as I go, making sure all the neighbours know.
Nap time comes after lunch. This activity I love a bunch.
An evening stroll, a sniff and a whiz, keeps me up to date on the neighbours biz.
Bedtime comes after training, treats and apple bits. Trying to get my people round up; sends me into a fit.
Finally I herd my mom and dad to bed, and then I sigh, stretch out and rest my head.
Another day is over, and everyone is safe and secure.
5:00 am comes early and that is for sure.
Up with vigour and it’s time to play. Where’s that football I had the other day?
I sure am one lucky pup to have landed here. They will protect and love me forever, and that is dear.
My mom and dad say they are the lucky ones because I picked them for my family.
We can all agree, that we were meant to be.
With puppy luv,
Chace (the flash) Schaefer