Blue Jeans & Rubber Boots

Blue Jeans and Rubber Boots image

I have always enjoyed writing. As a kid in high school, I would get quite excited when we were given a writing assignment, and I would get it done well before the deadline. I know it's weird. In those days, we put pen to paper for the draft and used a typewriter for the final version. There was no AI to correct the spelling, only white correction tape. I still enjoy hand handwriting when I can.

In my blogs, I will write about topics I am passionate about: art, painting, mini Aussies, gardening, baking, travelling, and living a happy and creative life. Enjoy.

Spring Memories on the Farm
Growing up on the Farm
Farm Life

2022-03-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Spring Memories on the Farm

Spring on the farm always brought a new sense of joy. The long cold and windy days of winter were quickly disappearing into just a memory.

The snow was melting, the birds were chirping and as a little kid, that meant lots and lots of mud. You could jump in it, and play in it letting your inner potter loose. We could re-direct the melting streams of water with
