Blue Jeans & Rubber Boots

Blue Jeans and Rubber Boots image

I have always enjoyed writing. As a kid in high school, I would get quite excited when we were given a writing assignment, and I would get it done well before the deadline. I know it's weird. In those days, we put pen to paper for the draft and used a typewriter for the final version. There was no AI to correct the spelling, only white correction tape. I still enjoy hand handwriting when I can.

In my blogs, I will write about topics I am passionate about: art, painting, mini Aussies, gardening, baking, travelling, and living a happy and creative life. Enjoy.


The Beauty of Less
It’s about the journey, not the destination


In recent years, I’ve noticed a welcome shift toward minimalism—not just in daily life but in creative expression as well. There’s a strong connection between art and intentional living. By embracing simplicity, artists can create powerful, more meaningful works.

Spring is the perfect time to declutter—not only our physical spaces but also our creative minds. Clearing away excess


What If


What if...

What if, just for today, you looked at life through a child’s eyes?
What if, just for today, you listened, really listened to your friends, without interruption?

What if, just for today, you did something nice for a stranger just because?
What if, just for today, you disconnected from all devices?

What if, just for today, you positively changed someone’s life?
What if, just for



I used to get up in the morning and immediately turn on the radio. In the afternoon, the TV would go on to check the weather and evening shows—and often stay on until bedtime.

Like most, over the Christmas holidays, I watched my share of Christmas movies, reruns of old favourites, and new finds. But when the New Year hit, I began to crave silence. After weeks of holiday movies and background


2024-12-22 Last Updated on: 2025-01-13

New Year Resolutions

As another year quickly comes to an end, I wonder what my New Year resolutions for 2025 will be.

I’ve always found the new year a time to make plans. As a home-based business, it’s a fresh year—a time to look back on last year and see what worked and what could be improved.

I found that making a five-year plan serves me well. In the last few years, my five-year plans


This I know for Sure

2024-08-03 Last Updated on: 2025-01-13

I don’t quite remember when I started to journey, writing down my thoughts, aspirations, dreams, etc., but I always liked writing essays in school.

I found it very relaxing to put pen to paper. Remember, back in the Dark Ages; there was no autocorrect or AI assist—just our brains doing their thinking, analyzing, and putting thought to paper. I still find it relaxing.

During high school, I


Me and My Dad
thanks Dad

2024-06-14 Last Updated on: 2025-01-13

With Father’s Day just around the corner, I am flooded with memories of my dad.

My dad wasn’t the kind of guy who would tell you he loved you but he showed me in other ways.

I needed a car to get around when I was heading to the big city of Regina after graduation. Dad took us to a car auction. I immediately spotted a hot red sports car. Please, Dad, “Bid on that one’. He didn’t


2023-07-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

This is not original to me, but I think it has value and I wanted to share it with my readers.

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what sort of changes she is feeling in herself? This was her advise.

After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children and my friends, I have now started loving myself.

I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not


2023-03-24 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

I can’t remember when I took a liking to coffee. It was most likely in my early 20’s when I joined the work force. I was working for the Alberta Government and we would take regular coffee breaks. We had a tiny little break room on the ground level of our downtown offices. There we could grab a coffee and chat with fellow workers. Not much bigger then a supply closet, we would squish in


2022-07-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Having lost four significant people in my life lately, I can’t help but reflect on my own life. How have I made a difference? What can I do in the next stage of my life that will make a difference ?

I try to live my life each day, with intent. Sometimes it is difficult when I am always looking ahead, working on the next several editions and applying for art shows that are three years out.

